Friday, March 18, 2005

I need to say "I'll think about it", that's perfectly noncommital

Song quote appropriate today:
"Seems to me that Maybe, pretty much always means no." - Jack Johnson
It's true.

So I guess I kindof got asked out by this guy at work today. For the last two days I've been bagging groceries at the supermarket in town and toward the end of the day the guy that I was sortof working beside (he was showing me what I was supposed to do I guess) is asking me about my schedule.....the conversation gets to...

He said: "Well, if you're busy next Friday, uh would like to get a bite to eat some other time?"
[My Inner voice: "uh, NO. But what do I say?"]
Actual response: (elongated) Uh, (weak) maybe??
["How do I fix this?] "Yeah, I could give you my number I guess. ["Julie, you're dumb. How to change this?"] You should come to that bible study I told you about. Yeah, if you want to hang out you should come to that...[Maybe that will put him off]."
He said: "Yeah, (he mumbles something about numbers...)

LATER - He says " Hey I'll come talk to you before I leave." (he's scheduled off at 6pm, I'm off at 6:30pm) I say "OK" (ehh, He touched my arm when he said that - Weirded out!)

The rest of the story - I needed to meet someone, so I asked the manager and got to leave at 5:55pm. I think I mumbled something of an apology to no one in particular as I walked out the door, but I honestly didn't think of looking for him in the back before I left.

Lesson in this story -when you're 20 years old and you've only been kindof asked out (now) twice in your life, putting someone off nicely without being unclear is not something I know how to do. Sorry grocery guy if I hurt your feelings.
I feel like I escaped, is that weird? And for the record, I know you're probably wondering, I didn't think he was attractive, but I also could not imagine trying to make conversation over a meal- at all - not even a little bit. Ok, story of my odd day at work.
The End.


Anonymous said...

ai, julie what a coincidence! I went to a club with my sis last night, and couldn't think of any better, so I gave this guy a fake phone number...I am totally incapable of putting people off, I can't do, way of handling your situation,oh it's EXACTLY what I would have done, so funny! Is there a course that we can sign up for?

oh,and if I'd realized before now that you were at home -cause you are,right? I would have called you! lots of love hilde

Julie Tiehen said...

Hilde, you've always given me credit for being smarter than I am. A course? Well, i've never had a huge need for it, but i'm sure there's one out there. :)

Anonymous said...

haha, totally hear ya there julie. i once had a super creepy guy ask me. i met him once before, and everytime i saw him he would look me up and down all creepy like. then one day i actually ran into him, it was unavoidable. he went on and on for 5 min on how beautiful i was...YUCK!! i mean flattery is one thing...but he was straight weird. so i was holding my cell, so i had to give him my real number. then he called me 3hrs later... long story short: i said maybe another time, and i never heard from him agian.

Anonymous said...

ooops...last post from jeni :)