Wednesday, March 30, 2005

do YOU think my tractor's sexy??

Today I recieved another lesson in the fine art of driving a tractor. Again I am thankful that my car is a manual ("yea for chicks who drive sticks!" - jules prz) as that eliminated at least one thing for me to get accustomed to. But seriously, girls on tractors - sexy/not sexy? Please post comment with your thoughts (if you don't know the song, laugh anyways) I am curious what the consensus is. I wish I could post a picture right now, but my camera is broken. Besides I'll wait until I'm tan again, and blonde again, and a little more buff. Then I'll get my best cut off t-shirt and some Carharts and I'll give you all a proper look at my new life in the barn-cleaning business.

Thoughts for the day:

Observation: It has been snowing all day but none of it is sticking to the ground - it's like 50% white out and there's nothing to show for it.
Immediate plans: A nap.
Future plans: Still undecided.
Time wasted today with: - it sucks you in these friend network things.
Current wishes: high-speed internet, a phone call
TO-do List: put away my laundry, go to the bank, take a shower
Things I'm looking forward to: April 19th, chocolate chip cookies tonight, my nap
Current smell: on me- Barn, in the air- fresh brownies
Today I Miss: Australia, my little sister
Question to ponder: Does anyone read this blog????


Jeni said...

yes. and also, i think you would look sexy on a tracker. but as a straight girl, not sure if that says much.

luke said...

im a bit frightened by chicks with sticks. they creep me out.