Thursday, July 15, 2004

learning to blog

i must say that i spent a bit of time considering what I thought had been a very misunderstood statement in my last blog. i wondered, did i really mean what i wrote the way i wrote it? was my miscommunication merely the result of typing  directly from brain to fingertips? Do i in fact care very much what other people think of my thoughts, or am I confident in my opinions without intending to offend people?
   I think the answer is yes. But I have realized that to communicate en masse, or rather to have text minus context, is a very easily misinterpreted thing. And, how striking also that my thoughts can evoke emotion and response from others. I am again sobered by my resposibility to represent Christ with all my lifestyles and expressions. Be pleased to know I will NEVER "arrive" nor claim to....only continually I am faced with the facts and try again to be diligent. (if you're lost, read my last post and then the comments of "someone" who, Thank You, caused me to see things from a different angle, to pause, to consider...a healthy challenge). Thankfully the offense was a misconception  on my part.
    I must share a laugh in the irony that, as this blog is a place for me to share my thoughts, which lately have been impressed upon by the current "grown up" book i'm reading (meaning, non-fiction), Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, regardless of the fact that I can have thoughts filled with the challenges to be selfless, to pray, to interceed, and many other worthwhile things....(as also deftly put by someone) a blog by nature is supposed to be about me. Maybe i wish i hadn't run out of good ideas when I named my blog address "juliestory". It is a forum for my thoughts. As I grow, or try to, and learn, or hope to...those are the thoughts I hope to share.
    Friends! There are so many of my dearest who are far away so much more often than they are close. It is so hard to stay close in spirit if the basic facts are all an email has time to cover. The inspiration for this blog was to have a place where a little of my heart can live and thus be nearer my friends if they chose to want it so. Both Rhiana and Hilde are that much more alive in my heart because they can share thier hearts with me...even if it's sometimes through a blog. It helps me know how to pray, and rejoice, and struggle right along side them. If you don't like that this has been wordy or emotional i choose not to care. This is not an editorial for a local paper, not some impersonal dissertation on what it is to blog....I'm just setting it out that my purpose is neither to offend nor educate anyone but just to speak my mind as it comes to me.

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