it should be classified as an obsession, but given the fact that it's only lasted a few days i am glad that the fever will pass. what fever is that you wonder? the one that has kept me up till at least 1:30am the last few nights. loading my new iPod. it is a terribly tedious process converting all my existing files and then ripping album after album from their scratched plastic discs onto my now quite congested hard drive, only to wait for them to assimilate in thier shiny white new home. elmer. i named the iPod elmer. i don't know why exactly except that when i went to name it as i was promted by the installation process to do calling it ''julie's iPod'' just wouldn't do at all, and elmer was the obvious alternative. so elmer it is.
elmer and i will be leaving in 8 hrs (yes, i will try to sleep, shower, eat and drive to the airport in that time) for Toronto together. the company during my 12+ expected hours of traveling will be a delight, though it will only put the smallest mark of a thought of a dent in the ''earning it's worth'' required to equal the bucks shelled out for this my newest of technological aquisitions.
well that's enough prose for 1 o'clock in the morning. off to bridesmaid endeavor 2005 #2 - Rhiana (already) Ehara awaits me. so off I go.
toronto via minniapolis, detriot, and buffalo; both greyhound bus and consequent taxi ride not to be forgotten.
iPod, iBlog, iGo.
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