Tuesday, April 05, 2005

For Irony's Sake - A Song

This is an ironic response to my own blonde moment. I wrote a very disappointed email to a foreign friend of mine when I discovered I couldn't read their blog because it was all in Danish. Little did I observe that there was a button on the page for translation - "for foreigners". Yeah, I didn't catch that part.
So without further translation, the only Danish I can speak. No really, I don't know the translation - but it's a friendly drinking song, so raise your glass and mumble along!

Vi skoler med voks venner
Og dem sum vi kinder
Og dem sum vi ikke kinder
Dem skoler vi for!
Skoll -- Skoll!!

The tune goes like this: Da Da Da DaDA DAda...oh, that doesn't really work

Luke - If you read this, it is my toast to friends.
Filip and Rakel - If you read this, please feel free to correct my spelling and/or provide translation


luke said...

oh, its completely understandable. the universal language of pissing the night away

Anonymous said...

Julie! Couldn't quite believe what I saw...det er jo nesten norsk, wow! stor klem hilde