Sunday, April 03, 2005

I feel like I should post. Though I'm still not convinced more than three people ever read this, I guess that's ok. My thoughts, however, cannot seem to assimilate for a common theme. So I will just make a list.
1) Cell-phones are a neccesary evil. It is so annoying to have a conversation celltocell because you can never hear things clearly. I love having 'free' (as if i dont pay enough for it each month) long distance though. But I hate it when you really want to talk to someone and a stupid bad connection makes the conversation choppy and ulitmately awkward.
2) It is both a wonderful and daunting feeling to be needed by someone. To know that your opinion and involvment in someone's life really matters to them, and that your performance therein can affect the quality of someone's life for the time that you're a part of it - it's a priviledge and a responsibility. I have probably let more people down than I know.
3) There is a whole world full of extremely hurting people and I can make a difference, but it is so much bigger than myself. I need to pray more. I do pray, but it's such a large project when you begin to realize how big the world is with so much hurt. I know God wants to help, so I need to do my part and pray. I should always pray more.
4) I am an inherantly competative person I have realized. It is not a quality I am proud of, which is ironic because competativeness is the fuel that keeps pride afloat. I am working on this.

PS - did you know that you no longer need a blogger account to post comments? I just found out today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dont write it for anyone but yourself.