I'm excited. My new favorite fun-band is playing at The Raven tomorrow night. And tomorrow is my 21st birthday. They're called Supro and they live in California, which I no longer do, and I'm happy because I didn't think I'd get to hear them play again. Now I do, and it'll be my birthday. And I had a little crush on the lead singer. But so does everybody so it's no big deal. It is a big deal however that I am excited, because up until this new information surfaced I was having trouble getting excited at all about turning 21 here in Montana, which was completly unplanned.
Apparently I have also given all care for grammar to the wind in light of my birthday and this post is like one big run-on fragment somethingorother. I'm still bummed that so many of my friends live too far away to celebrate with me. Amber, Emily and I will have to brave the pub crawl on our own this time. Thanks in advance to the sister's-boyfriend Josh for making safe driving possible this weekend. Wish you all could be here, whoever you are that read this. A party is always better with more people.
This is a dumb post. You'd think reading it that i'd already started the party, sadly that's not true.
Apparently I have also given all care for grammar to the wind in light of my birthday and this post is like one big run-on fragment somethingorother. I'm still bummed that so many of my friends live too far away to celebrate with me. Amber, Emily and I will have to brave the pub crawl on our own this time. Thanks in advance to the sister's-boyfriend Josh for making safe driving possible this weekend. Wish you all could be here, whoever you are that read this. A party is always better with more people.
This is a dumb post. You'd think reading it that i'd already started the party, sadly that's not true.
what in all know creation is currency forex online trading? this is bullshit! sorry i can't make it to your party. timmy reynolds would be great to see again. oh well. have a happy day.
screw anonymous spam comments. they're trying to ruin my birthday post.yeah i'm sorry you can't make it too. Should be a good time though. it would be great to see you again too. maybe that will happen someday. check back for the pub crawl update.
enjoy your pub crawl dearest! i would do anything to be there, and yes, I can totally relate -planet earth is our home, isn't it? and montana is only...20 hours away?
love you! hilde
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