Saturday, August 28, 2004

sufficiently chastized

well...gone are the days when my car didn't have enough guts to go over the speed limit..and so long also to 3 years and 11 months of a perfect driving record. Thank you Officer M. Johnson of the Idaho Highway Patrol for seeing to it that I will noe better watch my speed zones...(or at least keep a better eye out for cop cars) from now on. What does 60 mph speed zone mean to you? For myself it seems that while 'in the zone' mentally, 73 mph in the aforementioned 'zone' equals exactly $53dollars....ironically enough the exact amount I've earned in wages this week due to several cancelled workdays caused by unseasonal and depressing rainshowers, followed by three days' vacation.
I suppose that while my mother's car seems to prefer 70+mph and tries (almost independantly it seems) to travel thus I and my faithful 'Max' will be humbly much more aware of our speed as we journey south in three weeks to our new home in Denver. Yes, I will try to contain the excitement that is growing about this new season approaching somewhere other than in the weight of my right foot.

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