in fact, I've finally realized, it's NEVER what you think.
life, that is. it is neither now, nor will it be in the future what we think.
it's too changeable, too dynamic, too susceptible to the whims and ways of people and weather and the price of tea in China to ever really get your future figured out. we think we know, growing up, what kind of life we will have, what kind of job we will work, what kind of person we will marry, what we'll name our children and what continent we'll give birth to them on....but I believe that the only thing we ever really KNOW about our futures are that they will not be what we think.
I am more emotional, less punctual, more athletic, less driven, more intelligent, less educated, more generous, less wealthy, more adventurous, less mature, more changeable, fragile, compassionate, complex, complete, brave, childlike, and strong while at the same time less certain, worried, self-sufficient, organized and employed than I ever pictured I would be by this time in my life.
on Tuesday I'll be 24. my life today doesn't look anything like I thought it would and neither does my future, or what I can see of it from here.
surprisingly enough...I'm gaining affection for the suspense of it all.