Tuesday, March 22, 2005

No More First Days For A While

Working with a temporary agency made me realize something. Everyone hates their first day of work. It's full of apologies, stupid questions, apologies for stupid questions, slow progress and a general awkwardness of being in a new place with people you don't know. The thing about a temporary agency is that EVERY day is your first day.

Thankfully I will no longer be making my awkward way through first days or around over eager coworkers. I started a new job yesterday working at the barn where my sister has worked for the last four years. I'll be cleaning stalls now. See this link for a laugh and a small mental picture. No really I don't mind it. Mucking stalls is hard work, but a good workout. It's great to be working only two miles from home too, I can ride my bike in the summer and save a lot with gas getting so expensive. Raise your hand if you didn't know that my car has 296,000 miles on it. Yeah, I thought so. It's crazy, but I love my car (named Max for future reference). So I'm a little sore, and I smell when I get off work, but I am blessed to have a job. Especially one that will allow me to take the vacation I'm planning next month.

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