Thursday, March 10, 2005

Ninjas Never Cry

Even though the couch I slept on last night was really uncomfortable that still doesn't really explain my lack of sleep. After all I did get used to sleeping on the floor for 7 weeks in Mexico. Since Cancun I have found myself losing sleep to thoughts that just won't wait till morning. Maybe it's to make up for all the sleeping I did on the bus during the day down there. However, I was not tired at all at work today which was a blessing.

Yes, I have some work. It's not a permanent job but the lady who I work with at the staffing agency is a Christian and she's helped me out before, so for the next few weeks I'll be hopefully hearing from her a lot. And probably doing more random things like today's setting up for a Hunting/Outdoors Expo. That's where the title of Ninja comes in, it's what the staffing people call their employees who will take the random jobs (requiring lots of 'skills' usually ;) ) whenever they need someone. Apparently my brother has earned that title over the past few months working with them and between the two of us they are now self-proclaimed fans of the family. I am looking forward to having a paycheck again.

I'm not gonna lie though, after 2 months of riding on busses and doing dramas, and hehemm, eh, eating Mexican food I am not in at the level of phsyical fitness I'd like to be. Let's just say after hauling things around the convention center today I'm gonna be a sore girl in the morning. (oh did i forget the part about triping over a crate after being ther about ten minutes? a fall which resulted in one of the largest bruises I've ever had? yeah that might be sore too) I was the only girl on the crew (compounding clutzy embarassment? actually no.) so it was a little intimidating at first but after I fell on my butt in front of everyone I really had nothing left to prove. Actually I ended up sortof knowing ( we'd been introduced like 2 years ago by a friend) one of the other guys on the crew who was a Christian and I got to tell him all about YWAM. Which in my state of still missing everyone alot made my day to talk about. [Gallen, Rasmus - in Denver again, I hope you love your new home.]

So now I am at my new favorite place in Kalispell(City Brew) feeling tired, but that good tired from a day of real work, and making use of my headphones and free wireless internet. It's a habit I'm sure will only continue to develope. The coffee's not too bad either. Time to switch from water and go order myself some. Bless God for giving me the ability to do the work set before me. (And yes you can take that as both a specific and a general praise. :) )

Posts you can expect to see soon... Collage of ministry pictures, hmmm and maybe some 'new song' lyrics...

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