Friday, March 25, 2005

Another Spring Weekend In Washington

Here I go again. For the last two years I have made at least one significant weekend trip to Washington in the Spring. Due to the blaring failure (on certain levels) that has occured previously, I didn't intend to continue the habit. However, I find myself on March 25th again getting in a car Washington-bound. Though this time I have a much more, let's say casual, approach to things. Not that I had serious plans in the past, but things still seemed to turn out seriously wrong. It's 5:45am and I'm taking my brother to Seattle to catch a flight to Kyrgystan. Do you know where that is?

Kyrgystan is in Central Asia bordering China, Kazakstan, Uzbekastan and maybe one of the other 'stan countries. Over the last three or four days the people have successfully rioted and taken over the gov't buildings in the capitol forcing the now ex-president to resign and leave the country. Is this the definition of a coup? I'm not sure what it's called, but please PRAY FOR KYRGYSTAN and for MY BROTHER LUKE. He'll be working with a Bible school there and some other people for the next 4 weeks and we're all really looking forward to him coming home safely.

So on to road trippin', cow tippin' and fun.

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