Sunday, March 06, 2005

Catching Up

Traveling again. This weekend I stole my little sister for company and took to the road again, only one short week since my marathon drive back from Denver (17hrs). Gladly, this trip was much shorter and much more familiar to me. I went back to Moscow, ID, where (if you didn't know) I went to college (1 yr -'01-'02), for the wedding shower of my great friend Jessica. She asked me while I was in Mexico to be a bridesmaid for her in May and I was very excited then to say yes. But it wasn't until I was sitting in a room with 12 other girls who have been her friends since I left that I was a little overcome with just how special I felt to be made a part of this special season in her life. Thank-you Jessica for including me even when i've been so out of the loop the last three years. It is so cool to see someone I care about so much getting her dreams come true with a great man of God. I also had the priveledge of reconnecting with my friend Melissa (the maid of honor) who never ceases to amaze me with the passion and grace in which she lives her life. It will be incredible to spend time with both of these women throughout the wedding process. Friends I have much to learn from for sure.

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