Thursday, March 17, 2005

Are You Wearing Green?

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Or is it? I find it strange anyways that so many people have NO clue whatsoever as to the purpose or origin of this holiday. To most it is a reason to pick a specific color in the morning for their shirt and put some color in their beer. Or if not to color it, at least to feel free (the holiday falling on a weekday more times than not) to drink more than usual and eat cornbeef and cabbage. Do you really think most people would EVER eat those foods without the tradition? Like most holidays the true meaning is almost completely forgotten and no longer part of our culture, so I guess I should just mourn a little and move on...

Ok, I'll be honest. After writing that paragraph I went on about some other things, and then I felt convicted that rather than criticizing and then joining the majority in their ignorance I should seek out the information like an intellectual person. So in the only true knowledge-seeking action I could take, I "google-d" St. Patty's Day and the above links are a few that I found. Now I can say that while the color green and corn beef mean nothing new to me I find a special fondness for this holiday I didn't have before. In it's religious roots March 17th was a day set aside for spritual refreshing and praying for missionarys (in honor of St. Patrick's pioneering missionary work in Ireland). How sweet is that? When I shared at bible study last Sunday I said that I "think God may have made a missionary out of me without me knowing it". It's true my heart just gets excited about getting the gosple out there. If you haven't prayed for a missionary lately, put on your best green shirt, have a beer and get to it!

for an example of what St. Patrick's Day is NOT, and for a laugh read this.

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