Yes, friends and otherwise, it has been a disgracfully long time since i have even attempted to update this blog. I am however reconnecting to the real world and I intend very much to make use of this page for keeping you all up to date. I have been, since my last post, wrapped up in finishing the leadership school I attended in Denver (
PHASE 2) with
YWAM . To my surprise God asked me to go on outreach about week 8 of the school ( i think my last post was week 7). Surprised because I was fairly certain my plans didn't include outreach and because week 6 was the deadline for signing up to go. Nevertheless I asked the leader of the Mexico team if I could sign on late and he was happy to have me aboard for which I am so blessed. Soo, all other plans were put aside and after a very unholiday like Christmas break spent watching movies with the other lonely souls around town over the holidays I left for Mexico with 30 other people on December 29th.
Quite a daunting adventure to head down to Mexico with a team of people I barely knew, but it made it all the more a testimony of God's grace. Only one person from my Phase II class was on the team and the other 24 student were from two DTSs (arvada campus and eagle rock mountain campus). How much of a priviledge was it to be with so many different personalities working together to see God's kingdom spread in southern Mexico? So much. There were a lot of people concerned about the success of our team being so big and mixing two groups with very different personalities, but I am not the only one who saw exceptional unity and humility in this team.
To any of you guys reading this I never said it but I was so blessed to be a part of our team and God completly exceeded my expectations in each and every one of you. I miss you all for different reasons and God bless in you wherever you have gone on to next!Four weeks of traveling from town to town in the states of Tabasco and Chaipas and also 1 week at each end of the trip spent ministering in Cancun I saw God do so much in the people and the churches we worked with and He was so faithful to bring new works in my heart as well, though I wont even start to say I'm a finished project. Over the last 5 months God has been showing me so many thought patterns about myself and about my relationship with Him and others that He wants to change and replace with His truth, and He has been so faithful to stay true to His word. I have thought for so long that if I want to improve or change or learn that I must DO things, but He is teaching me how to LET things be done instead of always trying to do them. Yes, trying to sum up all God has been teaching me in the last 5 months is sorta a ridiculous endevour, but there a little bit to start. I am mostly excited just to be able to say that I know what God is doing and working in me after a long "desert time" in my life in the months before going to Denver.
I plan to post a lot of picture in the next while so you all can get a piece of the adventure in Denver as well as Mexico. God blessed me with some of the most precious friendships this past year I can't even really put it into words, but these pictures are of people who are truly precious to me. Thanks to each of you who have been a part of my life whether you are a permanent fixture or a passing blessing....again, I miss you all.
As of right now I have moved back to Montana after a few weeks of confusions about my plans and the plan is to work here through the summer. Denver friends I hope to visit for a week next quarter so pray that will be possible. I hated leaving it's true, but I felt like this last season of being home was important, because I don't forsee living in Montana for an extended period of time after this summer. So yeah, late April, early May....hopefully some camping in the rockies.
This is all for now, enjoy this first outreach collage, but don't be decieved by the sand and sea, there is ALOT to outreach besides the two or three days when these pictures were taken. More on that to come.....